
Saturday, April 27, 2013

New Car

We went to look into buying another car for our family today.  It is a hard job just to find out what payments will be.  We started out before lunch and finished up around 4:30 and I still have to go Monday afternoon to sign more papers.  The salesman told us we may be able to get a lower interest rate on Mon.  Anyway this is my tale of buying a new car.

I have known for months that we were going to need another car since Matthew is going away to college next fall.  I have been looking on line and on the actual lots for an SUV or a car.  I could not make up my mind what I wanted.  In March we rented a Nissan Altima to travel to Washington in.  I liked the car very much and it got great gas mileage.  I started leaning toward the Nissans after that trip.  One day last week I heard that our local Nissan dealership was running a special with 0 Down and low interest rates so I decided I wanted to check them out. 

Well they kept trying to sell me a brand new 2013 car and I knew I could not get the payments where I needed them to be.  I finally point blank asked them if they had any pre-owned cars even though I had mentioned that I several times that I would be interested in them.  Well he then looked at the pre-owned cars and came up with several and I liked one of them.  They said it would take about 5 minutes but ended up taking about 45 minutes.  I had already waited several hours earlier while they were trying to get me in a new car.  The salesman finally said he wanted e to sign some paper and come back on Monday and they may be able to get a cheaper interest rate.  The whole process took almost 5 hours.  I am worn out now.

I will still have to get a tag and do the insurance thing.  I know I will have to pay the car payment (which we have not had a car payment for about 4 years) and probably about $150 or more a month on the insurance.  I will have to add Matthew to our insurance too.  So on top of $380 payment and the $150 for insurance I will be paying out $530.  I hope we can handle this.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

No Phone

Have you ever been without your cell phone after it has been your best friend for years?  I am facing that right now.  I am totally lost because my phone decided to die today.  I have lost an important part of my family.

It started this afternoon as I was leaving work.  I picked up my phone and it would not come on.  I thought it was because the battery died so I changed batteries.  All it will do is act like it was rebooting its self.  I tried all the way home to get it to boot up and it wouldn't.  I went to Verizon before I came home to no avail.  Verizon could not revive her.  I am just so sad over the loss of my phone. 

I have tried to come up with a solution so that I can just have a phone.  I travel 60 miles a day for work and feel safer having a way to contact someone if something goes wrong.  I also sell Avon and all my customers need to have a way to contact me to make the income.  Not to mention my family needs to be able to contact me.  What if something is wrong with my elderly mom, or my husband, or my children?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year!

Well, the new year has started and I am positive this year will be a good year.  I am relying on God to do great things with me.  My New Year's resolution is to get closer to God.  I have set goals for myself, one is to read my Bible daily.  I have a habit of putting it off and then never getting to it.  I do not want to put God off to another time any longer.  I am going to work at being a better person.  Of course I would love to lose weight and tone my body up but lets be practical.  That is a thing that will not happen.  No matter how hard I try I give up on the weight loss and gain the weight back.  If I can get right with God then things in my life will come into place as it should be.

This is short and sweet but felt I needed to post about my resolution.

I am a work in progress.